repose - a state of peace, a temporary rest in order to regain composure. The image suggests with .html syntax that we ‘end war.’ I’ve never been a fan of bullies on the playground. As there is talk of mobilizing our military towards a new war in Iran I thought it might be nice to take a small break and have some rest before we do. Not that I hope we do. It’s sad that in the brief history of men peace has never been anything but temporary. A brief reprieve from the tensing storm, a quick repose before the coming war.
This weeks vocabulary will be posted on your blogs. You will also be posting three photo vocabulary words. Here we go:
flourish -
guerilla -
renegade -
repose -
stereotype -
symbiosis -
tariff -
tempo -
tranquility -
tumult -
tundra -
unanimous -
So we have to make a picture about the three vocab words and thats it
does my blog for vocab week 8 meet the requirements?
Hey Elika,
as for the pictures that go along with three of the vocab words what are we supposed to write in the blurbs
aight im done check it....
hey elika its viktor here is my blog.
this is my thingy
hey elika! here's my blog:
this is my blog.
ta da!
Elika i finished the vocabulary
I've chosen my pictures and fixed up the picture for the subway story, but it won't let me upload any of them. I'm going to send them to you with my captions by email. Is anyone else having this problem?
I finished my three vocab picture comments. I also added a post that I hope to keep up, of an album of the week. You should check it out.
this was actally fun. check out my 3 words/pictures, they're finished, along with the subway trunstile thing.
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