Sunday, October 14, 2007

Writing in Reverse

Pivotal moments of a stranger’s life.

Pictured above is an excerpt from Bill Sullivan’s Turnstile Photography Project. Sullivan took pictures of stranger’s in New York City the moment they pushed through the turnstiles to ride the subway. The results are surprisingly intriguing - The faces are so expressive; the props and things we carry, reavealing. You will be following the preceding link to Bill Sullivan’s project website and choosing a character (or two) to base your story around.

You will be writing a narrative fiction surrounding this pivotal(?) moment of your character(s) day. Is the gentlemen on the left, above, on his way to a bank heist? Is the woman to his right the lifeline for a friend appearing on tonight’s episode of Who Wants To Be A Millionaire, and is she fretting because she’s unsure of a question she should know the answer to? Or is thinking too hard about it going to put her on the wrong train, which starts a whole domino of bad (or brilliant) things to happen to her that day?

Whatever story angle you choose, make sure to use facial expressions and props captured in the photo as cues. This story is not to be told in the first person. Altough that doesn’t mean you can’t be creative in the telling. You could have an omnipresent narrator who, for one reason or another, has a particular dislike for your protagonist and is continually antagonistic. The story could be told by an eventual son, recalling the cute (or hilarious, or unlikely) story of how his parents met and fell in love.

As an additional challenge you’ll need to post a picture of the character(s) you choose to your blog along with your story. You may need to do this in photoshop. It would be polite to provide a link to Bill Sullivan’s website, since you’ll be posting segments from his photographic work. And, as always, it’s a good idea to lead your post with some introduction. Your readers (from all over the world!) don’t know that your teacher is asking you to write a story. The things you post will seem rather random sans context.

Due Monday night.


Elika Dadsetan said...

If there are ever any terms you do not understand within text, remember to use the good ol' dictionary...chances are, you will be able to find the answers in there. :)

Guy said...

what is GOING ON!!

Russian6Pack said...

Wats kracalackin homies tis is yura ight have fun with big story heheh

Russian6Pack said...

o wait this is the vocab one. have fun wid the big words hehe , check out my page for the word and defentitons (spelled wrong)

Russian6Pack said...
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Anonymous said...

copy paste...

Anna said...

Hi Elika,
This is Anna. Here is my link or I think my sn is clickable.

Anonymous said...

I might get some crap for saying this, but I like this blog idea.

Nikolai said...

This is Nikolai. I like the idea too, but I'm having some trouble. When I tried to publish my vocab, it flat out refused me for a couple of times before posting it with the time set at 12:00 PM. I'm also struggling with getting my photo uploaded. I keep on getting error messages. This means my vocab is done, but the backwards essay thing might not be done tonight. Anyone else having difficulties?

Nikolai said...

A correction: I'm not looking to upload my personal photo, rather a cropped version of one of those train pictures. I'll give it a few more tries.

Eli said...
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Eli said...
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Nikolai said...

Never mind, I think it's sorted itself out. I'm working on the project now.

Elika Dadsetan said...

Glad you figured it out Nikolai. We will have time to look over some things in class, as well. This is a new experience for all of us, so there will naturally be some kinks to figure out. All of you are doing such an awesome job! Keep it up!

rogue_mollusk said...

Do we have to have this thing posted tonight? Because I'm still trying to figure out how this site works.

- m.d.

קּậזּקּ Řậזּקּ said...

Yo no comprendo
help this mexican out.
whats due tommrw
vcb or stry?

קּậזּקּ Řậזּקּ said...

i got it
click my name fo mines!

Elika Dadsetan said...

Just a reminder that you can ALWAYS READ DIRECTIONS to get some of your answers. The vocab is due end of the week (just the three images that go along with the vocab).

The STORY is DUE on this blog TONIGHT if you have gotten the blog up and running. Otherwise, type up the story, and we will upload it onto your blog tomorrow in class. We will always have chances to revise...

Sophia G. said...

mmk, so here's my blog thing.

Hilary L. said...

here's my blog.

Maryross said...

heres my blog =]

Anonymous said...

here is my blog

KANGaRangaDank said...

This is Anthony. . .?

matticus lapagus said...

this is matt's blog thing

Jordan Hannah said...

Hey this is jordan's blog account ;]

XOCHiTl LOPEZ said...


matticus lapagus_91 said...

ok THIS is matt's blog thingy now. i for got the password for the last one so i had to make a new one. here ya go :)

Yura said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

HEy eliKA...
ThiS IS ADDileNe aND
yeaH... HeRe IS mY bl0g

Stepintoliquid said...

Hey elika this is ellis my URL for my blog is:

rogue_mollusk said...

For whatever reason, when you click on my name, my profile offers no link to my blog. I have no explanation for this. Regardless, you should be able to access it via this link:

- Mollie

Ethan Stern said...

this is my profile

Haidee said...

hey elika this is my account! This is my link:

Haidee said...
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Anna said...

Hi Elika,
I posted a copy of my Writing in Reverse. I hope my writing is substantial and creative enough.

See you tomorrow.
V ^.^ V

ps. I like the blog idea. It's easy and convenient.

Nikolai said...

Mollusk -- that could be a privacy thing you turned on by accident. If you go to settings, under "Add your Blog to our listings?" there should be a "Yes" there.

danielle n. said...

hey elika.. this is danielle :] and here is my beautiful blog spot!!
have a GREAT DAY!

Hilary L. said...

Hey Elika
I couldn't do my blog by 3:00 because I didn't get home until 6:00
I hope it's ok


rogue_mollusk said...

Ah yes, it works now. Thanks Nikolai.

vareohkneeka-aireeeyell said...

hey elika its veronica. i was just wondering if we had to update you on when we post certain things or will you just be constantly checking to see if we've posted blogs? I wasn't sure but my word art is up, and i hope our little blurbs didn't have to be anything specific about the words..?
thanks much

JACKIE said...


Elika Dadsetan said...

No, you do not HAVE to let me know that you have updated your page, unless it is something you want/need me to see right away. Everything is time stamped so I know when it was actually submitted. But, if you ever are excited about a writing, and you want me to see it, email me and let me know!! I can't wait to see all that you all do on your pages!!

alofasho said...

HEYYY ELIKA! its MAAAAAASSONNNNNN! (im singing). You should check out my blog. It's pretty amazing.


Renegade Keffiyehs{Ranting Randy} said...

Yo Tis Zack leavin a comment. anyway my URL for my blog is

JeRevien... said...

I have finished my story?

Yura said...

elika, i have a new page

Cori said...

Hi Elika, here's my link.

candace said...

I like your opinionated description of repose. =]

Eli said...

If she gets to express her opinions on her blog, then I get to go on my crazy, right wing rants on mine.


Eli said...

The Roemer (may his name be praised) would have never condoned such bias emanating from an educator of young, impressionable, children.

Eli said...
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matticus lapagus_91 said...