Monday, February 11, 2008

Who are you???

Autobiography Essay Assignment

Objective: Utilize the five paragraph essay format to write an autobiographical essay.

Directions: Choose one of the three following prompts and write a five paragraph essay. Follow closely the format given in the handout, “The Five Paragraph Essay.” You must first start by creating a thesis, and then making an outline with your 5-Paragraph Essay Worksheet.

Prompts: (Choose one)

  1. How has adversity in your life made you a stronger person?
  1. If you were picked as a teenager of the year, why would the panel have chosen you?
  1. What do you plan to accomplish with your life after you graduate high school?

Due dates:

  1. Thesis statement and outline due at the beginning of class Wednesday, February 13.
  2. First draft due at the beginning of class Thursday, February 14.
  3. Final draft due at the beginning of class Friday, February 15.

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