Monday, April 28, 2008

Check this beauty out!!!

Look at the success some of our classmates have had already!!!! :)

Read the emails below from bottom to top...Congrats guys! I am so proud of you! I acknowledge you all for your hard work, and for creating such amazing possibilities for these people! I am so excited to see what comes out of this! :)

-----Original Message-----
From: Gauthier Dieudonne []
Sent: Sat 4/26/2008 11:32 PM
To:; Danielle Nisan
Subject: RE: Seed Donations

Hi guys

This is exciting. As I am reading this, it seems like you heard my call. I
have been asking for seeds such as carrots, cabbage, eggplant, beats,onions,
tomatoes and okra to provide to the 150 families who are part of the CLM
program at Fonkoze. The rainy season has started and we already have them
preparing the ground for them to have a vegetable garden. Seeds right would
come in pretty handy. I got some promise from some people but we haven't
received anything yet. It is very commendable what you guys are doing. There
are very few 11th graders who bother thinking about world hunger or even
consider doing something about it. I wish you courage and continuity in your

Thank you in advance in the name of our CLM members.

Gauthier Dieudonne

CLM/Tikredi Director
at Fonkoze.
-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Sunday, April 27, 2008 12:41 AM
Subject: Re: Seed Donations

Dear Danielle, Alejandra, Mya and Eli,

Thanks to all of you for your foresight and the action you have taken to
start up CEED. It is a wonderful concept and will be a wonderful
contribution to the food problem in Haiti.

It also comes as a gift from heaven for Fonkoze. We have a program for the
"ultra-poor" (that means the poorest of the poor), those who have absolutely
no assets whatsoever. We select them through a process in which we get a
village of about 50 families to help us map out the village and classify
everyone in it according to their wealth or lack of wealth. Then we do home
studies of those in the poorest categories so that we can be sure we are
selecting only those families that could not make it in any of our regular
microcredit programs. Then we work with these very poorest families for an
18-month period to help them build their confidence, start some kind of
enterprise (like raising chickens), and help them to grow the enterprise
until they can feed their families. During the 18 months we make sure all
the kids are in school, that everyone has access to health care, that they
have a house that doesn't leak, that they have a latrine, etc. One of the
things we are trying to do with them now is help them learn to plant food
that would be healthy for the families -- and we desperately need seeds! All
we have been able to find is seeds for trees, but we want seed for
vegetables or small fruit trees like lime trees or avocado trees.

I am copying the director of the program -- Gauthier Dieudonne -- on this
email so that he will know of your program and can communicate with you
exactly what he needs in terms of seeds. He is a wonderful Haitian man, and
I am sure he would be happy to email you. Although both of us are right now
on our way to India where there is going to be a meeting of the four
institutions from around the world that are all trying programs like this.
Actually the program was started by a institution called BRAC (Bangladesh
Rural Advancement Committee) in Bangladesh. The program is now being
replicated in Haiti, India, Pakistan and Ethiopia.

I thought you might like to see a picture of one of the families as we
found them. I am also sending you a picture of Gauthier. By the way, if you
go on our website and look at the recent newsletters, you will find an
article about this program. It's called Chemen Lavi Miyo, which means in
Creole "The Pathway to a Better Life". It's the Fall 2007 issue.

Again, thank you so much for the action you have taken!
Anne Hastings

Anne H. Hastings
Director, Fonkoze
Ave Christophe, #119
Port-au-Prince, Haiti
Tel: (509) 2-513-9082; 2-221-7631
Fax: (509) 2-245-7254
Cell: (509) 3-701-3910 or (509) 3-556-3910
From the US: 1-800-293-0308

Please see our website at

In a message dated 4/25/2008 11:26:41 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:
Dear Ms. Hasting;

I am an 11th grader at High Tech High International in San Diego.
Recently, in my humanities class, we have been talking about the global
food crisis and we are looking for ways to help. I am trying to
incorporate another project I am doing right now. A group of three
other students and myself are starting a non-profit called Community
Environmental Education and Development (C.E.E.D).

My plan is to ask people within our community to help send seeds to
Haiti in a program called "Send CEEDs". I would love to start up the
program but we still need a base in Haiti to send our donations. Let me
know if you think you can help and if there is any changes you may have.

If you could please contact me as soon as possible that would be very

Thank you,
Danielle Nisan
Phone: (619)916-8606

Other co-founders of C.E.E.D:
Alejandra Torrero
Mya Clausius-Davis
Eli Parzen

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