Friday, May 30, 2008
Trial Update (and other important info)
Make sure you get some rest over the weekend...and make sure you check the blog periodically. Good luck on your vocabulary today, and I hope you have some strong and interesting current events!
So, I wanted to give you an update on how the trial will work next week. We will practice earlier in the week, but on WEDNESDAY, you will stand before the tribunal and plead your will tell them why America should be indicted (or why not, if you are defending). Be prepared to answer questions from other experts on your subject. Your case will rely, not only on your own research, but also how well (and quickly) you can counter any arguments. We will have international experts, as well as some very domestic ones sitting on the tribunal. ;) I imagine we may take more than our two hours...I am working out the exact schedule with Susan - to see when we can actually use the MUN room...and I am trying to coordinate with our international expert friends.
Besides the trial, the rest of our time this semester will be focusing on music history! :) We will have a jazz musician come in next week (yes, I do know his name, Nathaniel: James Romeo)...and I am working on hip hop, as well. I would start thinking of the genre you want to delve into, and who your group members may be - I will post the requirements of this project on the blog by the end of the weekend...But email me your ideas (don't forget to do this), so we can sort through them together. I cannot wait to see how this goes!
Have a great weekend! I can NOT wait to see you next week!!!
All my love,
Thursday, May 29, 2008
I am sorry...

So coming back to school on Thursday was apparently a bit of my high hopes. But know that I did not come back early out of love...I don't wish upon ANYONE what I feel like right now...But please know that I have missed you, and I wanted to get closer to moving forward on this project and your preparing for Exhibition.
I have a doctor's appointment for 5:15 today...if I can even get out of bed long enough to make it there safely. Please know that it absolutely KILLS me to know that I am not at school supporting you...I am very proud of all the work you have done. I really wish I could be there with you.Don't forget that we will have a vocabulary quiz tomorrow - if you have any questions, please contact me!! Also, we will be doing current events...
Again, please forgive me for not being around this week. I would give anything to get out of bed and be with all of you.
Miss and love you,
(And very proud of all the work you’re doing. Seriously, I really am!)
Elika :)
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Exhibition Requirements
Exhibition, as we should all know, is Thursday night from 6:30-8:30. Please be here ON TIME (I would suggest getting here a bit early as well). We have a tight schedule of documentary viewings/novel readings, so you should be here at least 5 minutes before you are due to show your documentary to make sure you can set it up, and all is working smoothly.
If you are introducing your documentary, I want you to include a couple things in the introduction (1 minute?):
- the various positions held (identify person with role)
- why you chose the specific war
- how the process was for you (overall)
- what you learned
- challenges in the process
If you are reading an excerpt from your novel, I want you to include a couple things, as well (1 minute introduction; 2 minute excerpt read):
- how you decided to write the book
- why that genre/style
- how was the process for you
- where did you draw inspiration from
- where do you go from here with your writing
For the non-profits, you need to make sure you have a laptop that is fully charged, and that your website is ready to display...I will have brochures for you to hand out, as well. You will be responsible for getting at least five (5) people to sign that they have learned something from you (each person needs 5), and comment on your non-profit (a mere signature will not suffice). Thus, you have to actually interact with people who are walking by...isn't this a point of any non-profit/company? To get the word out?! Especially because this is for a cause you believe in, you should be excited to share what you have learned with anyone and everyone, while asking for their support (in whatever way). If there is anything else that can help attract individuals to your table, feel free to bring it with you...You may need to bring a petition to sign, or donation slips, etc. That is up to you...but you need something to bring you closer to your goal.
Almost done guys...good job!
Sicky No Likey...
I am SO sorry I am out again today...I am feeling NO better, and am actually feeling much worse. I know it is awful timing...feel free to email me if you need anything!
Nicole has the schedule for exhibition, and will probably give you a copy today...Tomorrow, in class, we will do a run through of the night...just be prepared for that. In a little bit, I will post what you can do to prepare for exhibition - just a few reminders. So, make sure to check out the blog later today for that...
So, for today, in class...
I want you to read the article below...If there are enough computers for each of you, go ahead and read on your own. If you need to share computers, you can popcorn through the article, and then write your response in your journal.>1=27001
After you read the article, please reflect - do you find significance in ethics lessons? Is the classroom the appropriate venue? Should it be a requirement for graduation? If a public school, can the state mandate such a requirement? What is ethics (is it a personal belief system or a universal truth)? How can it be taught, at all? Etc.
Please put some genuine thought into this...
Then, after everyone is finished writing quietly, you will be watching "My Architect." This film shares the story of one of the most influential architects in our history (super impressive). However, he led a questionable personal life. After you finish watching this movie, please reflect on Louis Kahn's story in light of today's journal write. I want 500 words of pure excellence posted on your blog by the end of the day...remember to watch for any grammatical/spelling errors - you are writing for the entire world to see!!! Don't forget to cite your sources, as well.
Thank you all for being so wonderful (thank you to all who are covering my classes, too!). I hope to get better quickly and see you tomorrow...Miss you!!
All my love,
In case link above doesn't show in its entirety...
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Example of Non-profit

Some of you have asked for an example of how to design your website...We discussed what could be included and the bare minimum of what should be included...
I am including a link below as an example...Hope this helps!
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Good job, Garrett and Darnell!!! :)
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Monday, May 19, 2008
- interminable
- intuit
- laboriously
- proximity
- reticence
- senescent
- shroud
- situation
- synchronously
- tortuous
- tranquility
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Monday, May 12, 2008
Non-Profit Organization Research Paper
Overview: It should be obvious, that to truly have a legitimate organization, one must know the subject matter of the organization. This paper is meant to inform you about a certain aspect related to your cause. This essay will be part of your website and portions will probably be used in your pamphlet. Therefore, this should be an insightful piece of work that shows your mastery of the subject matter you are studying.
Process: Find a topic that is related to your organization. This topic should be some pivotal topic that your organization would need to know in order to be well-informed. For example, if I were to create a non-profit that creates environmental studies camps in undeveloped countries, I might research which countries have the biggest need to be educated about environmental effects. Or perhaps I would do research on what the history of various countries' environmental policies are...It would also be possible to do a paper on why educational curriculum does not include discussions on the environment. All of these would be acceptable topics for my organization. You and your partners MUST have different topics.
- It must be MLA formatted. This includes citations inside the essay and a bibliography (minimum 3 sources). Any essay that is not cited will receive an automatic zero. Any paper that has blatant plagiarism, will receive a negative score. This includes copy and pasting anything into Word and changing a few words.
- This paper must be at least three (3) full pages. Suggested length is 4-5 pages. It should be double-spaced with a title page and bibliography. No, the title page and bibliography do not count toward the pages required. This really should be no problem since you will probably be arguing the same topic for your trial. You should have PLENTY of information.
- It should be free of errors and proofread. Errors will be penalized and you will need to turn in a revised paper anyway. Do it right the first time and save yourself time.
How to think about this essay:
The topic of your essay should be helpful for your organization. If you are studying about mental illnesses and do not know what they are, it is crucial you research them. Remember hat this essay will eventually be published on the web (website), so it is even more important that citation is correct and that your facts are from a reliable source.
Also remember that you are using the informaton from this essay for your trial. This will be where you grab your arguments from.
Due Dates:
Rough draft - Thursday, May 15; Final draft - Monday, May 19
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Let's support our team! :)
Garrett Palensky has been interning at the San Diego Rep Theater this semester. For his final project, he was asked to create his own comedy show, “Common Sense” featuring four San Diego comics (including our very own Darnell Price). Garrett has been responsible for producing this show, planning the event, and marketing it to the community. All proceeds will go to the San Diego Rep Theater in Horton Plaza, long time mentors to our students. Please plan to come out and support both our students and internships!! The event is on Monday, May 19th from 7-8PM. Tickets are $12/ Students $7 - Let me know who is in and we can plan to go together!
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
America on Trial
Non-Profit Organization
You are being asked to create a new organization. This organization will have a mission statement and goals for which you will strive. In finding a cause to take action for, keep in mind that you are nor replicating an organization already in existence, you are breaking new ground This your new organization and its purpose must be sincere. You may choose to address a grievance of society or a moral/ethical issue (Students against Whiners). Or, you may choose to, in some way, revolutionize a current aspect of society for the better (Coalition against Pennies). The purpose is up to you and your group, but you must have a purpose that is beneficial. Keep in mind that you will need to be able to write more than ten pages of related research on the subject – so, make sure it is a real concern.
After a cause has been found and research has begun, you will begin participating in the outside world. You will need to send business letters to companies/corporations to find out more about topics that concern you. You will also need to begin setting your own goals and finding a mission statement for your organization to stand by. During this transitional phase, you will also be creating a website that will be the base of your organization with related links, historical research, and current domestic/world examples, etc. Toward the end of this project, you should have a completed website for your organization, anywhere from 10-30 pages of research and persuasive papers that you have composed about the background of this topic, written business letters to obtain information and also to seek change, a pamphlet printed in mass quantities that outlines what the problem is/how you plan to solve it, and the final aspect that you will need to do is physically go out into the world in some manner to make your point heard. This project will take place not just in the classroom, but many parts will come from and be taken to the outside world.
Specifics: The project is composed of 8 separate elements.
1. Project Proposal: addressing how you plan to complete the following components of this project. A description for each is necessary – write as much as you need to explain the element. Obviously, for number two, you only need a few words, while for the elements such as your historical essay or business letters, you will need to have an idea of what you will research or who you will send letters to.
2. Logo/Name: clearly every organization needs to be referred to as something and needs some sort of logo that encapsulates the goals of this organization. Due Thursday, May 8
3. Business letter(s) Seeking Information: In this letter(s), you will be asked to find the addresses of companies/people/organizations that have information that will help you complete your research for this project. You will be mailing out letters to these places requesting information and insight they can offer your organization. Minimum three letters per individual member. Due Monday, May 12
4. Mission Statement: that outlines not only the problems this organization is attempting to address, but the possible solutions or ideas this organization has to solve these issues. Usually a good mission statement should explain why your organization exists and what it hopes to achieve in the future. It articulates the organization’s essential nature, its values, and its planned work. This should be done in an abstract outlining the essential problem, and also offering part of this organization’s goals to address that problem. Due Thursday, May 8
5. Historical Research Paper: perhaps the largest single component of this project, your non-profit organization needs to be well-grounded in knowledge. Without knowing all of the issues surrounding your cause, you lose any legitimacy your organization might have. Therefore, you must research all issues surrounding your cause and create an argumentative paper that is based in historical and current fact. Unlike other papers, this paper will require historical facts with your own analysis applied to them that shows how the problem has evolved. You need to prove through your research the history of your cause and the reasons why the society we live in today needs reform. This paper is five pages per person. Each group member should address a different but related topic for research. For example, if your organization were to study gangs, one group member might research local San Diego gangs, another might look at international gangs, and a third might look at organized crime or the mafia…Nonetheless, it should be fully annotated and contain a bibliography as well, all in MLA format.
Due Monday, May 19
6. Persuasive Essay Outlining Solution(s): Differing from the historical paper, this essay should contain more opinion and offer how you plan to solve, or help the cause for which you are fighting. It should lead a convincing argument using some of the facts of the historical paper and try to persuade the reader that your solution is the best way to achieve your goal. This paper should be between 1-2 pages per person. It should also be annotated, but if the bibliography is the same as the historical paper, a new one is not needed. This essay is crucial because the purpose of an organization is that they have ideas how to fix a problem, and just presenting historical essays with facts does not fix anything. You must show how you plan to solve the problem, in your opinion. Due Wednesday, May 21
7. Comprehensive Pamphlet Produced in Mass: Like many organizations you have already seen, most have some sort of brochure or pamphlet that informs you about them. You, too, will create a pamphlet containing your mission statement, a brief summary of your historical research, and also the best arguments from your persuasive essay. It should be informative and should outline the basis for your organization. It may also include pictures or other information that you feel pertains heavily with your organization. I will look into making mass quantities of them for you. Due Monday, May 26
8. An Informative Website: Along the same idea as the pamphlet, you will need a central base for your organization. This will be done in this project through the creation of a website. This website will contain the same overview as your pamphlet, but should be able to link to other informative related sites and your full research papers. It should also have ways to get in touch with the founders of this organization and be a place where people interested in your cause can go to find more information and ways to help support your organization. Due Friday, May 23
9. Events: You will need to put on two events, but one can include the exhibition night.
Due Monday, June 2
Throughout this project, we will also be working on our trial arguments - via debates, papers, mock trials, etc. I am so excited! This is going to be great! :)
Monday, May 5, 2008
Affecting change...
First, following up on our conversations and research about the hunger plight of Haiti, I’d like you to watch this keynote by U2’s leadsinger, Bono. He uses a particularly powerful language to describe what’s happening in Africa as an “emergency,” and discusses possible reasons Americans (and Europeans) are so eager to help when there is a sudden, unexpected emergency (like the tsunami of 2003), but so hesitant to do or care much about the thousands that die daily. Exactly the ideas we’ve been wrestling with.
Do you agree with Bono's assertion that WE can change the world? Why? Why not?
According to Bono, Africa is burning. It's a crisis on the order of the Asia tsunami - what is the difference between what happened with the tsunami in 2003, and what is going on every day in Africa? How about in our own neighborhoods? What do we do about it? How do we help put the fire out? Why do we as a country decide to put so much aid and support into one cause, and seemingly ignore others?
At the end of the day, I want each of you to know that you CAN affect change. However, you will never change things if you don't believe you can though. Ultimately, you and I both know that with enough help, the world can be changed...but, how do we create that context?
Look at what we plan to do with our nonprofits...I mean, isn't this the point of having a non-profit? To affect change! do you plan to do that with your non-profit? How will you change the world?Carry on, dear the world what you are made of!