Thursday, May 8, 2008

Let's support our team! :)

Garrett Palensky has been interning at the San Diego Rep Theater this semester. For his final project, he was asked to create his own comedy show, “Common Sense” featuring four San Diego comics (including our very own Darnell Price). Garrett has been responsible for producing this show, planning the event, and marketing it to the community. All proceeds will go to the San Diego Rep Theater in Horton Plaza, long time mentors to our students. Please plan to come out and support both our students and internships!! The event is on Monday, May 19th from 7-8PM. Tickets are $12/ Students $7 - Let me know who is in and we can plan to go together!

1 comment:

CBeanie said...

I'm in. But, I might need a ride.
Are you going Elika?